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Charitable Trust Supports Women and Children at Risk
The Patricia France Charitable Trust was created after the death of its founder, notable Dunedin artist Patricia France, in 1995. The artist left part of her estate to establish the trust, which over the past decade has made grants of over $390,000 to women’s refuges and support organisations in Otago and Southland working with the victims of domestic violence.
Based in Dunedin and administered by three trustees, the trust has so far given financial support to seven refuges and women’s support centres in Dunedin, Alexandra, Queenstown, Invercargill and Gore.
Patricia France was remarkably well informed about the share market and her own investments, and the disbursements made are drawn annually from investments supervised by the trust.
Trustee Tony Eyre said: “Her paintings were predominantly of women and children. It is fitting that this portrayal of relationships continues to be the focus of her charitable trust, as it provides relief for women and children who have been the victims of family violence”.